Sunday 14 May 2017

Top 5 best Money Earning websites.


This is a quick overview of i.e. How to use it. It helps user understand the features and their flow. It is very easy to use and self-explanatory. While at IncomeON you can get social with your friends/family and earn money online. People from all over the world are the users of IncomeON who create accounts over to use social media only or to do business activities / make money online or to do both i.e. earn money while socializing. If you are a new user just Sign up, if an already signed up user just Login.
The IncomeON provides the following features:
  • This is Free and will always will be
  • It allows you to sign up/create account
  • When you sign up at it allows you to Login with your Email id and Password
  • IncomeON acts as a complete Social as well as online business shop tool. It provides you a complete social and business platform to track and manage your business, and social accounts.
  • IncomeON is for everyone i.e. those who want to do business, create online business shops and post advertisement and for those who want to use a social network to earn money
  • It allows you to manage your shops, posts, pages, advertisements, earnings, spending and friends.
  • Allows you to add money into your account/recharge your account using PayPal, Mobicash, Easypaisa, Omni and Western Union.
  • User can also withdraw the money from their accounts
  • IncomeON allows you to manage the social side (add/delete friends into your friend list) as well as business side (add/delete products into your shop).
  • Allows you to do live chat through iON Messenger with friends/family and business contacts separately.
  • Allows you to put your privacy settings the way you want
  • Allows to sell and buy (earn and spend)
  • Allows to do actions like/dislike/comment/share/feed/promote
  • Allows to join any favorite political party page to keep yourself updated
  • Allows you to watch and post videos, videos can be posted from YouTube and daily motion etc by just copy and pasting URLs
  • Allow user to enable Great Job feature for his/her own post and earn money whenever it is awarded by someone else, this money will directly go to the account of post owner.
It is only 3-steps away to start using it and making money online
  1. Sign Up
  2. Login
  3. Dashboard (like/dislike/comment/share, watching videos and great job)
It Looks Same Like Facebook


ClixSense Review: How to Make Money from ClixSense

First thing you need to do is signup ClixSense from this link. After signup, you will receive a validation link from ClixSense.
Once you click the validation link, ClixSense will ask you to login to your account. After you login, it will ask you to add some more details in  your profile like address, secret question & most important is payment method.
There are 2 methods of payment, first is PayPal and second is PayToo.
PayPal is one of the most popular way to receive the payment. So I will suggest you to join PayPal and then choose the PayPal as the payment method in ClixSense. You need to provide the email address of PayPal there.
If you are new to PayPal and don’t have any idea of PayPal then check the link below to understand & to join this-
After adding all the account details in ClixSense, click “update account” link and it will take you to their main page where you can start earning money.
You can refer the image below to understand more clearly.
First of all, you can see my total income, payouts, daily income and balance amount in the above image. I have earned $1097 (Rs.65,000+) till date from ClixSense. Although my joining is January 2012, but I had started working seriously last year only after receiving 2 small payouts.
Now, move to the top blue colored navigation menu where you can see different ways of earnings. As you can see, there are number of ways you can earn in ClixSense as explained one by one below-

1. By viewing ads

Get paid to view ads in the main income option in ClixSense. When you click on view ads option, you will find number of ads there. Just refer this image-
As you can see, the time & commission is given below each ads. In this example, you have to see the ad for 30 second and you will get $0.01 for viewing the ad. You will find more ads with different time & commission on that page.
You need to regularly login to your ClixSense account and view all the ads daily in order to earn good income. It does not take more than 5-7 minutes of your daily time to view all the ads.
Best Tips: You can do 2 things to multiply your earnings.
  1. You can increase your earnings by referring more people to ClixSense. You will get paid for each and every ad your referral views. Just imagine, how much you can earn if you refer just 50 people and they regularly view 20 ads each.
  2. You can increase your earning by taking a premium membership in ClixSense. Premium membership is not costly but you can double your earning as well as earnings from all your referral if you take a premium membership in ClixSense.
Where to find your referral link: When you login to your account, you can check your affiliate link in the “My Affiliate Details” section. You can copy & save your affiliate link in a notepad. You can send your affiliate link to your friend & relatives & ask them to join ClixSense. You can promote through Facebook, WhatsApp, Email & other ways to refer people.


The most interesting part is that it’s free. You don’t have to spend money. It’s possible without any investment. What you need is consistency and patience.
It shares a little-known secret that can be used to sell $9 domain names for hundreds of dollars and make big money online.
The method is mainly focused on flipping domain names and you should definitely try the system if you can. I’ve personally seen huge success.
So I had to tell you this as I know you are here and reading this article as you are in need of money. But sorry for going a little off-topic.
So let me start with the Neobux method I was talking about.
I have been using Neobux for a long time now. So i know what’s possible and what’s not. I’m sure that you will find it a really valuable information.
So Let Me Tell You What Neobux is.
Neobux is basically a paid-to-click site where you can make money effortlessly by only viewing ads. Advertisers pay them to show their advertisements to people like you. Whenever you visit one of these ads, Neobux instantly pays you since you are actually helping Neobux make money.
Usually, if you view an advertisement, you earn $0.01 or a portion of it. I know it doesn’t look like good earnings.
Statistically, people fail with these kinds of sites. Mostly because they are not patient or they want to earn quickly. As a result, they quit and opt for some other money making methods. Eventually they fail. So make sure that you stick to Neobux consistently and follow closely what i tell you to do.
After a few months, you should be able to make at least $30 per day.
PaidVerts ( is new program which can be classified as being an awesome hybrid between a Paid-To-Click and a Revenue Share program. It was launched on March 31, 2014 by Jo Cook.There comes the ask: Who is Jo?Well, he is not only an experienced marketeer. He is also the proud owner of MyTrafficValue ( a crowdfunding platform which is online since early 2010.In fact, PaidVerts is part of their portofolio products. The innovative and “built from scratch” script is the result of crowdfunding efforts and members suggestions collected over months.

As quoted in their FAQ: “Advertisers purchase ads in our system. We then deliver those ads to proven valuable users, and provide those users with instant cash incentives to interact with the advertiser. Advertisers thereby pay for guaranteed communication of their products to proven valuable users.”That’s for the company part.But I’m sure your focus is about:- How much you can earn (money)- What are the other benefits (free direct referrals)This is how to make money and earn more with PaidVerts:There is two factors determining your daily earning:1) The amount of BAP you got (group),2) The total sales generated that day (yes… it’s not a HYIP! Money comes from genuine sales!).Since you can hardly have an impact on total sales, your main focus is to grow your BAP. But how?You are going to purchase advertising (Click on “Buy Ads” on your navigation panel, then “Create a campaign”).For each $1 spent on advertising, you will receive 3100 BAP.Those 3100 BAP will convert into $1.55 ads value available to be clicked in your view ads section (and this as fast as your BAP level and total sales allow it!).To sum up you make 55% NET profit again and again!Sound cool, right? But keep reading it turns even better! Depending how much BAP you have you will have different value and amount of advertisements available to click in your “View Ads” section. For example, on the 10 June 2014, the first group was earning $0.04 by clicking their advertisements while for top group it was… $84!!!
The group are those:
  • Group 01: from 100 to 1600 BAP.
  • Group 02: from 1600 to 6400 BAP.
  • Group 03: from 6400 to 12000 BAP.
  • Group 04: from 12000 to 24000 BAP.
  • Group 05: from 24k to 48k BAP.
  • Group 06: from 48k to 96k BAP.
  • Group 07: from 96k to 180k BAP.
  • Group 08: from 180k to 360k BAP.
  • Group 09: from 360k to 720k BAP.
  • Group 10: from 720k to 1.5m BAP.
  • Group 11: from 1.5m to 3m BAP.
  • Group 12: from 3m to 6m BAP.
  • Group 13: 6m and up BAP.

Set up your goals:Divide the lower limit of a group by 3100 to find out how much you should invest to enter a group. For example, a $16 investment would give you 49600 BAP (16*3100) and make you enter the Group 06.
What am I registering for?
You're registering for a free account.
That account will allow you to earn by viewing advertisements and / or advertise your own website.

What are the requirements?
To receive payments or purchase any of our services, you need to have an account with Paypal, Payza, Solid Trust Pay, Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin. You can choose the payment processor that best suits your needs or even choose all of them.
If you don't have an account with any payment processor you can add it later. Just enter your email address for now.

I want to learn more before registering.
To learn more of how our services work, you can consult the Help, the FAQ, the Terms of Service and even our Forum.

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